Saturday, February 28, 2015

Final Blog

Here we are in the final week and I cannot believe it.  This course was certainly intense but I learned a great deal of information that will help me throughout life.  I not only learned new things in general but more importantly, new things about myself.  The LPI assessment really opened my eyes and helped me to identify my strengths and weaknesses.  Overall it was a wonderful assignment and the plan I created will help mode me into an exceptional leader in the professional world. 
I really enjoyed all of the discussions.  Each of them seemed to pick my brain and open my eyes to new ways of seeing things.  Reading other’s views on topics gave great insight.  The conversation with colleague discussions were also very interesting and led to actual conversations at my job and amongst my friends.
I initially thought that a group project for an online class would be nearly impossible to successfully complete, however my group and I used our individual leadership skills to work together and complete it.  It was a great experience.

Being a good leader is very important in life and I learned a lot from this course to help me in journey to being an even better leader.  I would encourage those who want to know where they stand in terms of leadership to complete the LPI assessment and it could have a profound effect on them just as it did on me. 

Enabling others to act

Week six’s topics were Foster Collaboration and Strengthen Others.  Generally about teamwork and I think that it was good prep for the group assignment that was to come.  Building a team effective team is very important in terms of productively.  Individuals who are good a certain things should use those skills to contribute to the team.  Everyone should know their role and do it to the best of their ability.